Do you have a physical store?
At the current moment, we are an online store only.
Where else can I buy Tiger Shvrk Clothing?
Our brand is mainly sold through our online store. Send us an email to see if there are any shops close to you that may carry Tiger Shvrk.
Where is your clothing made?
Our clothing is designed in Toronto, Canada and primarily manufactured and/or decorated in the USA, Canada and China.
Do you ship worldwide?
Yes we offer International First Class and Priority Mail with USPS.
Where do you ship from?
Canadian orders are shipped from Toronto, Canada. (No customs or duties fees)
American orders are shipped from Niagara Falls, NY. (No customs or duties fees)
International orders are shipped from Niagara Falls, NY. (Subject to customs duty tax)
How long from when I order, will i receive my package?
Refer to our shipping policy page.
How can we contact Tiger Shvrk with any other questions?
You can email any questions or concerns to Tiger Shvrk directly at info@tigershvrk.com.